Musonium Gallery is pleased to present ENANTIODROMIA, the debut solo exhibition by Catharses. Enantiodromia is the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time and the artworks in this exhibition reflect a personal journey of the individuation process and shadow integration. Over the course of four years exploring introspection, automatism, projective hypothesis and active imagination, Catharses navigated the darkest regions of their psyche. Black scenes, slowly built up with lighter layers, rise to the surface as the evolution of images attempt to capture the mesh of ever changing reflections of the mind. This natural process of draining emotions to bring structure and meaning to them allows an escape for the melancholia that plagues life. Catharses' first body of work documents the death of a past and a birth into the future through subliminal images of avant-garde surrealism.
With a multitude of hidden layers, Catharses was able to supersede the evolution of their artworks with the flick of a brush creating new strokes of details, marks, and splatters. The pieces that make up ENANTIODROMIA undoubtedly all exude an ominous presence along with mesmeric energies begging to be discovered. The artist, while simply following the guide of their own subconscious, was able to reinvent how dark art, surrealism, and abstraction are capable of being woven together to create something new that is neither fully representational nor completely abstract. Upon first glance, the artworks could almost be mistaken as being abstract due to their ambiguous appearance, but as soon as the artworks pull you in, details of skulls, birds, winged serpents, amphibians, and other creatures begin to surface through the obscurity. It is through this genius reflective harmony Catharses possesses, the pieces in this exhibition are so easily recognizable as being created between varying states of consciousness and unconsciousness.