7 February - 15 March 2025

Musonium Gallery is pleased to present EUTIERRIA & SOLASTALGIA, an evocative group exhibition traversing the profound connection between humans and the Earth. Eutierria is a feeling of oneness with nature. It involves exploring the beauty and complexity of the natural environments in which we live and the diverse life forms that inhabit them. This feeling promotes a sense of responsibility to protect and appreciate even the most minute organisms that contribute to the collective functioning of Earth's precious ecosystems. But the balance of life is delicate, and environments are susceptible to change, impacted by a vast array of triggering factors. The distress this causes is known as solastalgia, where negative transformations of one's surroundings result in the pain of losing the comfort and familiarity of one's home environment. Such devastating events include ocean acidification, urbanization, desertification, deforestation, pollution, and global warming, all of which negatively impact both the environment and human societies. 


From season to season, emotions change just like the weather as our surroundings look different with nights falling sooner or days lingering longer. These small yet present alterations reflect the eutierria we experience throughout the year, highlighting the connection between our emotions and the deeply influential impact of nature on how we experience and perceive the world. Emotional responses to the natural world is a cyclical dance underscoring the profound bond we share with the environment, reminding us that our well-being is intricately tied to the rhythms of the Earth. All of its good and bad, beauty and ugliness creates emotional landscapes of contradictions and correlations reflecting our inner turmoil and harmony, woven together by the complex tapestry of the human experience, shaped by the ever-changing world around us. These contrasting yet intertwined themes summon us to reflect on our relationship with the natural world and provoke thought on the balance between personal expression, societal change, and environmental stewardship to contemplate our own eutierria and solastalgia.